Friday, January 4, 2008

no its not a bear belly
my new sis
raise your hand if you are glad that is over
Ally was a big help with bringing coda into the world
Happy to be blessed
My daddy did this to me
Happy halloween
pretty pumpkins
Two of a kind
Before Braces
After braces
Braxtons big day


megan said...

Wow it is fun to see who you find in the blogging world. I can't believe how much your family has grown. What a beautiful family. I hope all is well.
Megan Lewis

Ashlee Raubach said...

Michelle! It has been sooo long since I have seen you guys! I hope you remember me!!!! Can you believe how fast time flies! My Cayden is eleven ( has braces too!) and it is so much fun!!!! Congratulations on your newest addition! That's four? right? Any way its so good to see an update on you and your cute fam! check out my growing family at
See Ya! Ashlee (Peterson) Raubach

What the "Hales" said...

Michelle, I love that you look so great right after you had your FOURTH Child... wow congrats! She is beautiful. How are you doing? Keep adding I love it!

Jill said...

Michelle you really need to get on here more often! i love seeing pics of you and your family! i truly miss you and your family! You probably already know but i have a blog myself...i know why i have no kids....but its fun anyways its

Brittany said...

Michelle & Fam! It's Brittany (Reynolds) Faiga from the BL and Provo. I hope you all are doing well. I came upon your blog through another friends! Small world. I love your pics, and congrats on your new addition! I saw Jen's blog too- she doesn't have a space on hers to put comments, so will you say hi to her for me! You all are beautiful and I've looked up to both you and Jen. I probably never told you that, but you are very sweet people. Talk to you later, Brittany

Hew-Len Ohana said...

Hi Ashlee! I haven't checked my blog in forever . It was great to hear from you, sorry I took so long to get back. You have such a cute family,and your pics are great. Ill check back later . Oh and I am really behind on my blog .The last post is of ally getting here braces on, that was a year ago , and she just got them off. So ya i need to be better.

Molly said...

Wow Ren, your wife looks FABULOUS after giving birth!! Beautiful family!